Ada Uzoije CRAZY ADA Cheltenham Racecourse 2016 : Horse hate names

Cheltenham Racecourse 2016 : Horse hate names



adauzoije5If horses have one wish, their trainers will be jailed for the despicable race names given to them.Look at these names below, on the betting tickets I bought at the United Kingdom Cheltenham Racecourse that took place on Saturday the 22nd of October, 2016.


I betted £5 on Sizing Platinum, because it sounded like the ideal millionaire credit card name I wish to bear and  another £5 on Call the Cops which sounded like the epic Police Academy film sequence. The weirdest name on the day, were Zipedeedodah and Boondooma, sounded like characters from the Jungle book.


I spent most of yesterday’s afternoon, laughing at these amusing names and yelling victory on two of the horses that won me some nice £85 bet, Fox Norton and Golden Doyen.

adauzoijeIf I ever own a horse I will name her Crazy Ada.

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