Never say never, “I will never be a preacher,” I said when I was 11 years old. But, God is the wiser🤔. Fast-forward years later, I broke my ‘never say never’ as I preached the gospel of Christ to an attentive audience and my preaching was done vai POEM😇.
How it all started:
Pastor Anthony Emmanuel:Â “I and my wife Doris, are inviting you to our marriage & relationship retreat on the 21/02/20.”

Pastor Anthony & Mrs Doris Emmanual both in black dinner wears on the right ( main photo) presenting an award to a couple.
Ada Uzoije: ” Thanks, but am a very busy mum and love my Friday’s night in as use that time for my creative writings”
Pastor Anthony Emmanuel: ” You write?”
Ada Uzoije: “Yes! I’m a novelist and enjoys writing poems too”
Pastor Anthony Emmanuel: “Amazing! Can you write a poem for our couples retreat event?”
Ada Uzoije: “Wow! I never thought of writing christian poems. I may write 2 poems if I get posessed by the holy ghost (giggled), but we have a deal Pastor, I will be there.”
Pastor Anthony Emmanuel: ” Thank you and I will pray for God to guide you.”
Pastor Anthony & Mrs Doris Emmanual run a Christ CentredMarriage & Family Ministry (CEMAFAM).
Below a video of me reciting the two poems at the relationship event. First reading : ‘When couples agree together’. Second reading: ‘‘God is Love’. Enjoy
When couples agree togetherÂ
By Ada Uzoije
 Do you both listen to God
Do you both believe in God
Do you both believe the Devil
Don’t be like Adam & Eve, deceive by the devil and suffering became their fate.
Do you both worship with pure hearts
Do you both respect the house of God
Do you both respect the house of Devil
Don’t be like Ananias and Sapphira, lied in the house of God, and death became their fate.
Do you both pray to God
Do you both let God save you
Do you both let Devil destroy you
Don’t be like Lot’s wife, tempted by the Devil, and pillar of salt she become.
Abraham and Sarah, Priscilla and Aquila, Hannah and Elkanah, Ruth and Boaz and Joseph and Mary, all agreed together to listen, obey and worship God with pure hearts and everlasting salvation became theirs.
This is God purpose, for man to live his mother and father and hold fast to his wife, and they have one voice as they are one flesh. From today, agree in your relationship to make one decision, to support each other to let God in your household, so love, peace and happiness will dwelt in you, in children and those around you.
God is love
By Ada Uzoije
Before Heaven and Earth were created
Before lightness was created and Earth was dark no more.
Before light was day and dark was night and the shining stars appears in the dark.
There was God and God is Love
Before water appears, and land appears, and the cloud appears
Before the grasses, the trees, the fruits and seeds appears
Before the swimming creatures from the seas, flying creatures in the skies, walking and creeping creatures on land and the beasts were created
There was God and God is love
Before God created Adam in his own image, and says “Man shouldn’t be alone” and he created Eve to be his help mate, to love one another as you both become one flesh
Before the serpent, the snake, the devil poison the first husband and wife mind, and they ate the forbidden fruit and sin against God.
Before God expel the husband and wife out of Garden of Eden, and the first suffering on earth unleash.
There was God and God is love
Hear this people, God send Jesus to die on the cross, so we may break free from the suffering from the sin caused by Adam and Eve and their generation of children. So therefore we may find the ‘Great love’ again. The love that existed before Heaven and Earth. The love that is greater than all creatures on Earth, the shining stars in the sky and all the planets in the Universe.
Be kind to one another, love thy partners, love thy children, love thy neighbour. Forgive one another as God in Christ had forgiven our sins. Let God in your relationship, and great love will come with happiness and peace.
Find God, for God is love.