Ada Uzoije CRAZY ADA EVIL DEAD Remake should never have been produced

EVIL DEAD Remake should never have been produced

   Out of ‘The Evil Dead Trilogy,’ the first Evil Dead film had been the scariest one for me. I was 12 years old when I watched this film. Well my parents never knew this, I did creep in the midnight of the night to watch it, as one of my big brothers had left the DVD laying around. I clearly remember having had several nightmares. Dreaming of being chased by skeletons, pursued by THE HAND, and being trapped in that devilish cabin. Still, I fell in love with EVIL DEAD films.


Years later, I was lost for words, when I heard EVIL DEAD would be remade and would be out in 2013.  The first thing that came to my mind was that with today’s advanced technologies, the remake could definitely be the most scariest film ever. I was also expecting to be re-living those frightening childhood nightmares.

evil-dead 2012

Little, did I realise I would be disappointed. Fede Alvarez, the director, let me down big time, sorry Fede, no hard feelings! The story was worse than the original Evil Dead. Characters were boring and didn’t find it scary like the original; my fault rarely does a remake ever been better than the original. I did not like the demon that was released at the end. It looked more like a human covered in blood than a thing that’s just been released from HELL. [Spoiler Alert!] The most annoying scene for me has to be at the end, when Mia sat in the kitchen after escaping from the demon through a tunnel. It took ages for the demon to appear from the tunnel despite being just a few feet away from Mia in same tunnel. 

mia kill demon evildead

[Spoiler Alert!] The annoyance did not end there. Mia killed the Demon way too easily for such a supposedly powerful being. There were just too many stupid scenes in this film that kept me feeling like wanting to walk out of the cinema. One of these scenes was when Mia miraculously got healed of being possessed when her brother David pulled her out after burying her under the ground. It looked so unreal and unbelievable. Then David died, which I don’t understand. David died and Mia lived. It couldn’t have gotten any worse than this.


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